Thursday, March 20, 2008

Lets talk about Dandelion

Are you ready to detoxify your body properly?

Thu, 11 Oct 2007 15:03:51 EDT

Due to the environmental pollution, food preservatives, drug use and stress our body is constantly exposed to toxins and free radicals w...

New Ventures

Thu, 20 Mar 2008 18:04:03 EDT
I am not good at talking about the things I care about, as though if I speak them aloud they will dissolve like dandelion seed heads, blown to the winds....

Feed Your Hair Healthy Food

Fri, 01 Feb 2008 23:21:58 EST
Your hair is important to your character, attitude, self esteem, and professional image. Keep up the health and keep up the hair. Although there may be a genetic predisposition to thinning hair, you c...

Dandelion NewsLucuma Flour

William Brown writes for several online magazines, including and
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Lucuma Flour


Five Keys Toward Detoxifying Your Body

To detoxify your body simply means to cleanse your body of any toxins it may be harboring. We know, for instance, that some chemicals and pesticides, or certain fumes we breathe, can be toxic to us. In addition, many of our modern day food choices can create a toxic environment that slowly lowers our overall immunity. The phrase Toxic Load refers to the condition of our cells and tissues - the inner terrain - that develops when we consume, year after year, highly processed foods. While the liver and the kidneys are natural detoxifiers, organs whose job is to filter out impurities, there are several other ways to help your body detoxify itself. While some of these ways may be viewed as extreme, such as dialysis or a lengthy juice fast, there are several every day things that can be done to detoxify your body with subtlety and consistency.

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