Friday, April 11, 2008

Not just A blog about Hemp Moisturiser

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Even if you are in a hurry or late for work or school, you need to grab a bite. It would be better if your breakfast is healthy � probably an apple, oatmeal and a glass of nonfat milk.
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Excessive intestinal gas may cause abdominal discomfort, bloating, distension, and belching. In infants, excessive gas (colic) is usually accompanied by abdominal pain. It is not uncommon for patients with eating disorders (anorexia nervosa, bulimia) to be particularly stressed by these symptoms.
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Flaxseed - Golden Whole Flaxseed - 1KG

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* Sleep goes a long way in determining how you look and feel.
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Certified Organic Wheatgrass Powder - 125g

NutritionNutrition Games

If you?re a constant dieter, or are overweight, you should really stop playing nutrition games with your body. The more you abuse your body the more you?re going to lose control over what happens to it.

It?s not easy if you?re overweight. I know that. I also know how hard it is to lose weight, and how tempting all those new diets are. They promise you a quick fix, and tell you that you can lose so many pounds within a short period of time. They will give you testimonials of people telling you their success stories, and these are probably true. What they don?t tell you however, is that all the constant dieting, and bingeing can take a toll on your body. As can rapid weight loss. All of these will just be playing nutrition games on your body, not giving it a time to recover from either extreme.

By first feeding your body too many of the wrong foods you?re starving it of the proper nutrients. Then by going on a quick weight-loss diet you?re again starving it of the proper nutrients as now your body will be craving foods that will fulfill it but you?re not giving them. These can be dangerous nutrition games to play as eventually your body will just get tired of going back and forth between yes, and no, and will stop listening to you. And that?s when you get in real trouble.

There are ways around this but by this time you?ve probably heard them all and don?t want to listen any more. I feel that it must still be said however. If so many people are still so overweight then the message must not be spreading as well as it should. The only real way to circumvent these nutrition games that you play with your body is to change your whole lifestyle and start eating sensibly.

I know that it?s easier said than done since I went through the same cycle of bingeing and then dieting. But I was lucky enough that I found my way back to the sensible path. It wasn?t easy, but I crawled up the precipice of nutrition games that I had built for myself, slowly and painfully. There was no easy road for me, I had been doing this whole thing far longer than I cared to admit.

But when I finally admitted to myself that I needed to stop this dangerous path of nutrition games that I was on, I was able to seek help and find the strength within me to stop my downward spiral. I?m no saint, I still slip up from time to time and find myself gorging on my favorite foods, but now I know better than to slip down into a pit of despair for being only all-too-human. So stop playing nutrition games with yourself, you deserve better than thatFree Reprint Articles, and you can get better than that if you just reach out and find that resilient core of inner strength.

Source: Free Articles from


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