Monday, March 10, 2008

Holistic Healing article

Goji Berry NewsHeart Attacks

There are antiaging nutritional supplements and antioxidants found in the form of capsules, which you should not take until you have consulted your medical doctor even if these drugs can be purchased without prescription.

Another means of getting your daily intake of antiaging antioxidants is to focus your diet on healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits, white lean meat such as chicken, turkey or fish. If you cannot reach your daily intake of vitamins and minerals through your food, you can ask your healthcare practitioner or a dietician for guidance and expertise. By asking for advice from your general practitioner or dietician you will be get a proper diet plan, which will be formulated for your body and metabolism. If the diet alone is not enough a supplement will be advised as well.
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Heart Attacks

Superfood Drinks

Lori Matthews studies health, nutrition and wellness. She enjoys writing articles on health for both people and pets. Please visit for more information.
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Superfood Drinks

Teaching Kids To Avoid Junk Foods, Pursue Natural Nutrition

Fri, 01 Feb 2008 12:36:00 GMT - The Super Foods team features Tom Blueberry, Macadamia Nuts, Raw Chocolate, Goji Berry, Cabbage, Spirulina, Green Tea and Reishi mushroom. The Junk Foods team includes Big Mac ...

Goji BerryReversing diabetes means making tough choices in foods, nutrition and exercise

Copyright 2006 Truth Publishing

In past articles I've talked about how dietary sugars (white flour, corn syrup, table sugar, etc.) alter blood sugar levels, and how the body tries to regulate blood sugar through glycogen storage, insulin secretion and body fat creation.

Now let's explore the causes of adult-onset diabetes, and how people can both prevent and even reverse diabetes by applying fundamental knowledge of how the human body deals with dietary sugars and refined carbohydrates.

This process of storing sugar as glycogen or converting it to body fat is initiated by a hormone produced by the pancreas. This hormone, of course, is called insulin. If you consume refined carbohydrates on a regular basis, your pancreas will become overstressed. It's just like if you run your car 24 hours a day and keep revving the engine--eventually something's going to wear out and break. This is what happens with the pancreas, and people who have adult onset diabetes often have an overstressed pancreas. You could call it a worn-out pancreas, although technically that's not an accurate metaphor.

The other problem is that type 2 diabetics have decreased insulin sensitivity in the cells of their body. That means that even though insulin is being produced and circulating through the bloodstream, the cells in the body aren't responding to it. That's why reduced insulin sensitivity is a physiological marker that indicates a person is about to become diabetic. If your insulin sensitivity is reduced, you are on the track to diabetes. In the medical community this is called pre-diabetes. And once again, it is not a genetic disorder--it is something that is directly caused by the foods you choose to consume and the level of physical activity you choose to pursue.

If you are pre-diabetic, that means you have reduced insulin sensitivity, but haven't yet been diagnosed with full-blown adult onset type 2 diabetes. In most cases, you can directly reverse this condition and return to a healthy metabolic state by making new choices in your foods and physical exercise. Remember, diabetes is a disease that is quite easy to reverse if you catch it early enough. And if you're pre-diabetic, you have an opportunity to reverse the situation right now.

Reversing it means making some tough choices in your life. It means, first of all, getting out and engaging in physical exercise on a regular basis. That's 45 minutes a day of walking, or something more strenuous if you can handle it. If you can't walk 45 minutes a day, walk 30 minutes a day. If you can't walk 30 minutes a day, walk 5 minutes a day. If you can't walk 5 minutes a day, just get up out of your chair 3 times--do something to increase your exercise stamina, and work towards walking 45 minutes a day. Everybody can do something. Sitting around doing nothing is no excuse, and it will directly lead you to full-blown diabetes. (Diabetics are really good at making excuses. I know, I used to be pre-diabetic. I would find every reason in the world to avoid physical exercise.)

The second thing people can do is give up all foods that promote diabetes. This means foods that contain ingredients like refined white sugar, sucrose, corn syrup, high-fructose corn syrup, dextrose, white flour, enriched flours, and so on. So that means getting rid of all ice cream, cakes, cookies, sweets, desserts, candy bars, etc. These foods are causing your diabetes. Now, you won't hear this from the American Diabetes Association, because that organization is, to put it bluntly, actually thriving on the skyrocketing trend of diabetes in the United States. I've never found the ADA to actually give beneficial nutritional advice that would help people reverse diabetes. Remember, they are funded in large part by pharmaceutical companies, who would actually lose customers if people reversed their diabetic conditions. It's not a conspiracy: it's just plain old corporate greed.

If you want to reverse diabetes, and you want to know the truth about it, keep reading articles like this one, because I'm going to give it to you straight. I'm telling you that you've got a make a list of all the foods and food ingredients to avoid for the rest of your life. And then you must commit to avoiding those foods. No exceptions.

By the way, another side effect of all of this sugar consumption is, of course, rampant weight gain. If you're suffering from obesity (or a very high level of body fat), chances are you got that way by consuming refined carbohydrates. This is why the Atkins diet has been so successful for people who are willing to stick with it. I'm not a huge supporter of the low carb lifestyle as practiced by most Americans, although I do support the avoidance of all processed carbohydrates as recommended by the Atkins program and other low carb dieting systems such as the Hamptons Diet.

Consuming refined carbs and added sugars will put weight on your body faster than any other nutritional strategy. The way to take it off is to avoid these foods for the rest of your life. By the way, if you're serious about reducing your sugar and refined carb intake, be sure to check out my book How to Halt Diabetes in 25 Days, at, which contains even more straight talk about sugars and their effects on your metabolic condition.

Here's one last interesting point in all of this -- when your body adds fat during this process of converting blood sugar to body fat, it has a blueprint of where to put that fat. For most women, the fat goes on the buttocks and the hips, potentially on the breasts, and eventually under the arms. For men, most of the that weight goes right to the belly, the gut, and only later will it move up to the chest area, the bottom of the neck, and maybe the buttocks and legs as well. The point is, your body has a blueprint of where it is going to store fat, and that blueprint is unique to you. You cannot change this blueprint.

Some people foolishly believe that if they do a bunch of sit-ups, they are going to somehow remove body fat from their abdomen. That's not true at all. Your body decides where to put it on and where to take it off. Other people, who are just as foolish, think that if they go get liposuction, they're going to remove all the body fat from their thighs or their stomach or some other area where it's not cosmetically appealing.

But what happens is now they're missing those fat cells that have been ripped out of their torso through liposuction, but they keep on eating the way they've been eating that made them fat in the first place. They keep on eating all those sweets and ice creams and sugars and other refined carbohydrates. So what happens? Well, the body has to put the fat somewhere, so now all of a sudden, the body is putting this fat in strange places where the fat cells still exist. A woman might end up with massive deposits of fat hanging off of her arms, or the back of her legs and thighs might balloon in size even though her midsection is now apparently much thinner because she doesn't have fat cells there. Liposuction is one of those surgeries that looks good at first, but if you don't change your lifestyle, you're going to look like some sort of Frankenstein monster in the long run.

You're going to have to change your diet sooner or later if you want to try and reverse the effects of diabetes. If you make the decision to change your diet early, you won't need radical surgeries like liposuction in the first place.

About the Author

Mike Adams, "The Health Ranger," is chief contributor and editor of the NewsTarget Network, a leading independent news source for natural health, nutrition, medicine and other wellness topics. NewsTarget and are leading information resources for consumers seeking independent information on natural health and nutrition. More than 12,000 searchable articles are available at

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Natural RemediesWeighing In On Flax Seed

I get a chuckle watching weight loss ads on television that push pills because I have yet to see one that doesn?t have a disclaimer in small print declaring that the pill will have better results if followed by regular exercise and healthy eating habits. If someone starts on a diet pill and begins exercising and eating right, is it really the pill? Pushing pills is easy these days because so many people are looking for a quick remedy to their problems. Of all the problems people have, being over weight seems to be at the top of the list. Well, how on Earth does flax seed fit into this equation? I?m glad you asked.

Flax seed offers those who are looking to lose weight a couple of incentives. For one, flax seed is like a multivitamin because it has so many nutrients, including: proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, folate, vitamin B-6, pantothenic acid, magnesium, potassium, iron, thiamine, copper, zinc, calcium, and phosphorus. I?m no nutritionist, but I?m sure plenty of them would agree with me that flax seed has an impressive resume on nutrients.

The second incentive flax seed offers its weight-losing consumers is the benefit of fiber. Fiber is nature?s bulking agent that swells three to four times its size when ingested. This tricks the stomach into thinking it?s more full than it really is and so it sends the message to the brain to stop filling the tank. I know there are a lot of pills out there that do the same thing, but they cost more than flax seed and have a list of possible side effects that is far longer than the list of nutrients (well, if a diet pill even has any nutrients).

Like many people in today?s demanding lifestyle I?m guilty of taking the fast road more often than the right road, but I?m trying hard to change my ways. After spending countless dollars on gimmicks and empty promises that came in cans and pill boxes, I?m doing everything I can to get back to the basics, the basics I learned as a child in elementary school watching the old videos on nutrition with the walking celery and carrot sticks playing on the school playground and having fun; they were happy because they were healthy. If eating right and exercising can work for singing broccoli and cauliflower, it can work for me. Hmm - I wonder if that carrot stick ate flax seed too?

About the Author:

Bruce Maul is a partner in Goldf Flax Seed, Inc. which is a North Dakota business. Learn more about Flax Seed by going to their website at

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