Friday, October 03, 2008

Recent information on Acai

Reviews of AcaiEthylene Gas Guardian

The increasing obesity epidemic has gotten so out of control that we now have gastric bypass surgery, which thousand of obese Americans elect to have each year, even though the surgery is extremely serious and many times life threatening. This is in direct response to a culture that grew up being under educated about portion control and wise food choices.

Many individuals in the baby boom era were not educated to the extent we are today about nutrition, how certain fats protect organs and well being, and others aid in their destruction, the effects of sugars on the body, and the effects of excess calorie consumption.
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Ethylene Gas Guardian


Proper Diet and Exercise Tips

Here you will find some of todays most popular and recommended weight loss and nutritional foods. No matter if your trying to control your appetite to maintain your diet, or complete nutritionally balanced meals, there is a diet program here for everyone.
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AcaiWatermelons: A Delicious Way To A Healthy Lifestyle

On a hot summer day, a juicy slice of watermelon is all what is needed to be at your refreshing best. A delectable fruit, with water content of over 90% makes watermelon the favorite thirst quencher for all. It is believed to be first cultivated in Egypt sometime before the 10th century. The shortage of water supply in this region made watermelon the most preferred thirst quencher. Later on, it became an instant favorite among the people of other countries in the Mediterranean region as well. Sometime in the 10th century, watermelons were first cultivated in China. Over the period of time, the rising demand of watermelon led other countries like Russia, Turkey, Iran and United states to start its commercial cultivation. However, besides being just a thirst quencher in the hot and humid days, the manifold nutritional benefits of watermelon makes it an all time favorite for daily meals and snacks.

Watermelon serves as an excellent source of vital vitamins like vitamin C, A, B6 and B1. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects body cells from damage by free radicals. Damage to the body cells may lead to serious health complications like cancer and chronic heart diseases. Consumption of watermelon reduces the risk of such diseases. Apart from that it regenerates the vitamin E supplies in the body and also improves iron absorption. Watermelon can be very helpful for people experiencing slow wound healing, frequent colds and lung related problems. Vitamin A, on the other hand has an overall positive effect on the body. It improves the eyesight, fights viral infections and promotes growth of cells. Vitamin B6 and B1 helps in fulfilling the pyridoxine and thiamin requirements of the body.

Hyperthyroidism and Hypokalemia are two illnesses that are caused due to potassium deficiency in the body. Watermelon is a good source of potassium and its proper intake helps in maintaining a balance in the potassium levels within the body. Proper potassium level helps in water and acid balance in blood and tissue cells, facilitates muscle building and transmits electrical signals between various cells and nerves.

Watermelon is high on lycopene content. Lycopene is an antioxidant that reduces the risk of cancer and some other chronic diseases. Frequent consumption of watermelon facilitates proper supply of lycopene that in turn reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, certain types of cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and even male infertility.

A combination of low calorie, low fat and zero cholesterol diet leads to a healthy lifestyle. Watermelon is low on calorie, naturally low in fat and absolutely cholesterol free.

The nutritional benefits of watermelon are immense. It serves not only as a thirst quencher but also as a vital source of essential minerals that are needed to stay fit and healthy. Watermelons are truly a delicious way to a healthy lifestyle.

Alfred Anderson has rich experience in the field of online brand marketing. His interests includes Internet marketing and research on emerging online business trends. Cantaloupe-Honeydew-Watermelon

AcaiBeri Acai Kaya Antioksidan

Fri, 03 Oct 2008 00:30:52 EDT
Beri acai adalah buah asli Abaetetuba, daerah di dekat sungai Amazon....Karena kandungan yang terdapat didalamnya, beri acai digunakan sebagai bahan baku minuman berenergi dan kosmetik....Saat ini beri acai sedang kondang karena diyakini sebagai makanan super....

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Steaz(R) Launches Organic Iced Teaz(TM) - Earthtimes

Wed, 01 Oct 2008 12:19:00 GMT
Organic, Fair Trade Tea Leader Expands Brand With Full Line of Non-Carbonated Iced Tea NEWTOWN, Pa., Oct. 1 NEWTOWN, Pa. , Oct. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- The Healthy Beverage Company ...


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