Thursday, October 09, 2008

Recent information on Organic Raw Food

Made your own skin treatment with aloe Vera

Wed, 25 Jun 2008 01:56:38 EDT
Aloe Vera or Aloe Barbadensis Milleer is type of plants that has been discovered thousand years ago. This plant is use for hair treatment, heal the pain, and for a skin treatment. In Africa continent,...

Cookies and Raw Milk?

Tue, 07 Oct 2008 10:45:37 EDT
Heather and Caitlin love the Peanut Butter and the Oatmeal Raisin, while Emilie, Dobbs and Rachael were so enamored of the Chocolate Chunk that they ate some of t he dough raw right out of the package. ... The cookies are available at fine food stores like Balducci’s and cost $3....

New bacteria could make cheaper ethanol - Reuters UK

Tue, 09 Sep 2008 00:57:00 GMT
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Genetically engineered bacteria could make cellulosic ethanol cheaper to manufacture, researchers reported on Monday, in a finding that may unlock more ...

Something's Off

Tue, 07 Oct 2008 20:04:29 EDT
Tried this "rememdy" tonight. Not too bad actually; I added 1 tsp. raw honey and 2T raw coconut oil!! ... Dinner turkey loaf (quite a bit) with wild watercress salad (wild farm watercress, red onion, green organic olives, mac nut oil, garlic gomasio and the last of the M ayer lemons from my friend's garden!!...

Joint and Muscle Health
Pines Wheatgrass Powder


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