Sunday, September 14, 2008

Healing article

Guarana Powder ReviewsHealth Food Books and Recipe ideas

Proteins contain amino acids, which are the building blocks of your body. Your body can utilize proteins to maintain immune strength as well as to build and repair muscle tissue. Simply put, the greater the muscle mass, the more calories your body will burn. Proteins also promote the release of glucagon, a powerful fat burning hormone.
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Health Food Books and Recipe ideas

Guarana Powderستایش ایزد منان که درمان را ومعرفت را وعشق وعرفان را به یکجا دراین ماه ........

Wed, 03 Sep 2008 07:24:20 EDT
Powder together and take pinches as food, or mix with a little honey and form balls. 13. ... 5 GUARANA FUDGE (AKA Speed Fudge) Mix together:....

Business Wire - Zipfizz™ Now Available at QFCs, Walgreens and Bed Bath & Beyond

Thu, 10 Aug 2006 07:00:00 GMT
August 10, 2006 -- MILL CREEK, Wa. -- -- Company also adds pink lemonade flavor to its popular energy drink product line Zipfizz Corporation, the maker of...

HealingDigestive Processes Can Help You Diet-If You Eat The Right Kind Of Food

Your digestive system is a remarkable mechanism that allows you to eat whatever food you want whenever you want it. Chances are that you hardly ever give it much thought. Your system is just available to take handle whatever food you eat. Food is digested so that the nutrition it contains can be utilised by your metabolism to provide nourishment.

Take care of your system. On the one hand, you can tone up your digestion by eating plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grain and high fibre products. Such foods will provide roughage that will keep your digestion working well. However, healthy as this may appear, you also need to ensure that you take in plenty of liquids. This should include between 6 and 8 glasses of water each day.

Fluids are important. The fluid content of your food could also be made up of soups or juices, which will also provide nourishment, apart from adding to the liquids you consume. Ultimately, it is these liquids and soft foods that will act like a balm on your digestion and keep it in good order. Of course, you may be tempted to go off the rails with your favourite foods once in a way. But do try to recall any episode of digestive distress you may have had and the discomfort that resulted.

Listen to your body. Remember that the symptoms you experienced were simply your body?s way of telling you that all was not well ? and the best thing you could do would be to ease up instead of abusing your system. The food you choose to eat makes all the difference. So that is just what you must do ? go easy on your digestion. In the long run, it will pay off to keep your food light.

Turn to nature. You could also make use of the natural curative properties of herbs such as ginger, mint, cinnamon and cardamom. These are just a few of the many herbs in nature that are used in food preparation and would have a healing effect on your digestion. The easier your food is to digest, the more smoothly your digestive processes will work. Take care of your digestive system and it will take care of you. Abuse it and you will live to regret it ? the choice is yours!!

? 2007 Geeta Sidhu-Robb

Geeta Sidhu-Robb is the author of the top selling ?Food For All ? Gluten, Dairy, Egg and Nut Free Cookbook. To learn more about her book and sign up for more FREE tips on Detox, Weight Loss, Diets like these, visit her site at



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