Friday, July 18, 2008

Healing article

Brown Flaxseed Capsules TopicsIndigestion

The quality of foods you consume should hugely outweigh the quantity.
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Natural Toothbrushes

Ten Steps to a Healthier Diet

Eating! Who doesn't like to eat? I personally like eating some things more than others...say like, ice cream. :) Seriously though, we need food to fuel our bodies, just as gas and oil fuel cars. I'm afraid that not many people know much about the food they are consuming and whether or not it is actually healthy for them.

These days, most people get their nutrition information straight from the food manufacturers. Now I ask you, is that a good practice? Do you really want to be listening to the very people who stand to make ALOT of money based on what you put into your mouth? I think it's a dangerous thing to do. What about the thousands of ingredients and chemicals that do not even have to be mentioned on labels because they are used in processing? Who tells you about those? Are they really good for you?
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Natural Toothbrushes


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